4Front Mastering Bundle DX and VST
The bundle consists of four separate processors, that work as
DirectX and VST plugins for Windows.
Plugins included (see description below)
Sand Brush
Contour Max
The demo version of a bundle is
You can purchase just the single plugin from the bundle.
Customers who purchased at least three plugins, are entitled for a complete
bundle download (use the feedback form to request).
4Front XLimiter:
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A gentle and soft brickwall limiter processor.
Primary design goals:
- Master track brickwall compression
- Vocal track compression
- Solo track compression
A special multistage algorithm provides a very soft transition envelope,
thus rapid level changes at extreme Threshold level will not pump or
distort as much as with the other processors.
The limiter employs best properties of a single band processor, whereas
additional techniques are used to provide advantages of "continuous
multiband" processing.
With the default settings it will limit the signal at 0dB. This is useful
to plug into the master effect bin of a multitrack software.
You can lower Threshold value to bring up the volume of the track. If you
are limiting a vocal track - you can also set appropriate ceiling value
to control the output volume.
If you have deessing or disturbing frequencies problem, try using this effect
as a vocal or solo processor. In most cases you will not need an additional
de-essing, as XLimiter will handle those transients properly.
4Front Auxiter:
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This is a high frequency refresher exciter-type plugin.
It brings
clarity to the high end by regenerating high frequency harmonics.
Primary design goals:
- Vocal enhancer
- Per/track enhancer
- Master track restoration/refreshment
- Old tracks restoration
First try to figure right Frequency slider value for your track, then
control the Harmonic, Drive and Mix levels to get the best enhancement.
4Front Sand Brush:
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The plugin completely regenerates high frequencies,
basing on the existing partials.
The plugin can be used to apply on hihats
and other percussive sounds with high frequency content, and also can be
used on other tracks to add "sand".
Depending on the settings, plugin can be also used to emulate the vintage
vinyl sound.
Primary design goals:
- Sand for vocal and solo tracks
- Bring life back to sampled strings
- Track restoration (including MP3)
- Vintage effect (to create vintage sound)
The plugin contains multiple presets for various track types.
4Front Contour Max:
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The plugin is designed to change the basic frequency contour of a sound track,
or the overall frequency balance of a master.
Primary design goals:
- Master processing
- Per-track processing for balancing low and high end
- Track restoration
The plugin contains multiple presets for various track types.
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